Sunday, October 18, 2009

new project

so, I've been getting a lot of commissions for children's rooms which is cool with me!
Here are some sketches from one that I am working on right now!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

a new painting....not really sure what to title it yet...

I tried to have a looser, more impressionistic approach with this one

detail shot of mechanical hummingbird

girly fantasy art time!

Here's a pencil wip of a new piece I'm working on...this will be cleaned up and finished in photoshop

creature project: Akecheta

creature project: a dark version of my hero character: Akecheta

creature project: demon king

creature project: temple guardian

creature project: cave dweller

more creature ideation for project

creature ideation

creature ideation

a 30 minute self portrait exercise and couple other head studies from the coffee shop...trying to get over my discomfort with staring at strangers and the worry of getting caught!
While I still have awkward eye contact at least once every session, it's getting better!

some coffee shop sketching and randomness

more life drawing

more big 'ol art update

big 'ol art update

last month I did a life drawing are some of the more successful drawings I did...these ranged from 5-20 minutes which is good because it forces me to map out the figure faster and not over render too much...I love contours and sometimes that dominates the piece...
anyway here they are!